And somehow the ironing got done...
Started behind this weekend. I was in Shepparton for two days for my first LLL Board meeting. It was fabulous to see the new Lutheran church that has been built there after the growth due to the African and Sudanese started worshiping there. But the flight home from Melb was delayed due to the weather, so after a couple of bad night sleeps, a 10.30pm arrival, Sat left me feeling pretty drained. My lower back had seized up so felt slightly better after a physio appoint, got on top of the shopping and washing, and then felt a million dollars after an afternoon nap. Lauren and the crew came for dinner. I did see Sadie fall for the first time, into Lauren’s arms, but just realised how random it could be. Sadie had a lovely long shower (inside this time), but I did keep a close arm nearby. Today, I was on morning tea duty at church. I meant or swap it but just hadn’t got organised. Plus I was due at the Special Children’s Christmas Party at the zoo. Partly due to work sponsoring ...