June long weekend

Yay for another long weekend! And now for a short week ahead. 

Tim has been feverishly working on the battery system on the new car, only coming up for air and food, and to cry over his sore thumbs.  Yes the car arrived last week after 5 months.  Tim worked on it last weekend despite fighting a cold. I had been battling a chest cold all week, and by the weekend it had got me so I laid low, only venturing out for Sophie’s 3rd birthday party.

This weekend Dad stayed Fri and Sat nights.  He got Persian lamb patties for dinner. Yes another successful recipe. The weekend was a mix of running, gardening, washing and cooking. I bought some more fruit trees and planted them outside the front fence (on the verge), finished the pond landscaping and hung up some fairy lights for the outdoor shower. 

Here is a photo from the Masters run. 

And today i took Giselle through some 250m run efforts. She had to try and get as quick on her 2nd one which she did and loved it. 

The Adelaide City Council have redeveloped an area of the Parklands into a wonderful nature play area. I met Lauren there with Giselle and Elizabeth, and it is fabulous. Creeks to climb in, water play and a fenced in exploratory playground. 


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