Cape York Day 15 Port Douglas
So by now I’m ready for some wander time to myself, so after moving our old camper to the unit and unpacking the last of our food and bits and pieces, we went into Port Douglas so I could do some shopping/wandering and Tim would sort of the transport of the old camper back to Adelaide.

We hadn’t really planned on upgrading just yet, but the current set up has limitations, with no separate room to sit in if the weather turns cold or wet. And it’s a bit of a “bitsa” arrangement, (which really has done very well for us and Tim has put a lot of effort into it), but I think we have concluded that we don’t mind this sort of travel and will do more of it, so it was worth upgrading for something more comfortable. Plus these campers hold their value so well, so if we do sell it later we probably won’t lose much. I am so excited to have a floor and somewhere to sit and read.
So I got my wander in, some Christmas shopping done, and a 15min massage for my neck to try and help the headaches, and the day was done again.
Another splash in the pool when we got back, I haven’t had a shower since Musgrave, I’ve been in the pool two or three times a day instead, even if it’s raining. And then raiding the fallen mangoes (and trying to sneak them in before Tim rolls his eyes at me). So far I have three sandwich bags of cut up mangos in the freezer and another tub which we’ve eaten through.
And it rained and rained again, probably sounds louder than it is as we’ve got a tin roof.
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