
The highlight of the week...new side and front fence! Oh I’m so excited!  The side fence if probably slightly higher than I first thought it was going to be, but it will definitely give me the privacy I need to my outdoor shower. And the front yard has so much potential now. 

This was supposed to be the weekend I was in Japan but I was happy I didn’t go, and deliberately kept the weekend free from structured plans so we could potter as we pleased. After Sat gym wecaught up with Marianne and family at Pasadena Foodland, a new wonderland of a grocery store and then i spent a few hours in the kitchen, homemake hummus, salads and a banana bread for efforts. We bought some Tommy Ruff fillets at the supermarket and fried them in butter for dinner. Reminded me of holidays at Port Lincoln. 

A trip to Bunnings in the afternoon for some plants, a manual hole digger and some other tools for breaking up concrete, and we are set for our next lot of projects. Tim is still busy on the camper, painting the underneath. 

We both had a dreadful night sleep on Sat night, a rotten mozzie (or two) hanging around, hot and cold, cat in and out, so after my morning run I hopped back in to bed for an 11am nap. Felt so much better after. Ready to tackle my next project, some fermented food. I think I mentioned I had done a day course a weeks back, so had been waiting for a few hours to give it a go. A big tub filled with cabbage, dill, zucchini (and spread all over the kitchen). 
Then I added the brine, stuffed it in jars and it’s ready to ferment for 14 days. Pretty proud of myself, although I think they may be too full and may bubble over.
Then got out my new tools and got rid of the slab of concrete that is pretty much the last step before I get the outdoor shower in.  It needed to go so we can get some river pebbles in flush with the back porch area, which will take most of the water from the shower.

A visit from Sadie and Lauren for dinner was great. Sadie is very good at sitting down now. Lauren and I had a laugh...her delay tactic at getting her nappy changed. Lauren asked her to sit down, which she did, just not on the floor. This toy is just the right height.
Tim took the kitty cat down to the bedroom to call his parents.  Can she get any closer to him?!? So sweet. He loves her to bits.

And that’s a wrap for this weekend. We’re both looking forward to the Beachport weekend in two weeks time. Ready for a weekend out.


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