A busy weekend

Reflecting on the last couple of weekends...the weekend of the 17/18 was busy. I think I was still catching up from having been away the weekend before, washing and chores, plus a haircut and cooking for the family.  The outdoor shower had been installed during that week, and it has proved to be better than I’d hoped and loved by Sadie as much as I’d desired.  A warm night and the nieces had fun with water play.

On the Sunday I had a long run, a catch up with Brooke and Sue, then a church AGM meeting. Home for a few hours and then back into the city for a Fringe show. Tim had been busy painting the camper most of the weekend, and we both professed that we’re not up for things on Sunday nights. Too tired. But the Choir of Man show was great. However I think we might need a year off Fringe shows, or maybe my hopes are too high, not enough wow factor this year. 


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